Teams, drivers and manufacturers will not be able to comment on BOP in 2023

8 Dec. 2022 • 8:10
From next season onwards, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to talk about Balance of Performance with the championship players in the Hypercar category.
Photo : MPS Agency

The Balance of Performance is part of the landscape of the Hypercar category, which sees prototypes that meet two regulations: LMH, LMDh. If we add to this the fact that we can have two or four wheel drive, hybrid or non-hybrid 'LMH' prototypes, we can bet that each one is preaching for him for a BOP that must evolve in 2023.


Endurance-Info revealed a few weeks ago that a new system was being developed to leave less room for debate. The WEC Committee is the only one competent to design and make changes to the equivalence systems.


The Balance of Performance (BoP) is established and adjusted using data and information supplied by the Competitors and Manufacturers to the ACO/FIA, and the WEC Committee; the declaration of this data and information constitutes a commitment and is binding.


At any time, the Committee is entitled to ask (including through technical components or sensors) Competitors and Manufacturers for any data or information that it deems useful for devising equivalence systems. This information or data may be shared with third parties for performance analysis purposes. The data and information provided must be accurate.


You will learn nothing by saying that BOP makes people happy and unhappy. Even if it is increasingly difficult to get the 'on record' players to talk about this Performance Balance, we still manage to feed the articles with opinions from all sides. This should all be over by 2023.


The sporting regulations of the championship now stipulate that "Manufacturers, Competitors, drivers and any persons or entities associated with their entries must not seek to influence the establishment of the BoP or comment on the results, in particular through public statements, the media and social networks."


Any infringement to the above principles will be penalised by the Stewards, at any time during any Competition, post-race included.


This does not apply to the LMP2 class, which does not (yet) have a BOP with only one chassis on track. For the GTE-Am class, a result-based success ballast is being introduced in addition to the traditional BOP, with the exception of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.


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