Vanwall Racing (ByKolles) puts the street version of its Hypercar on the road

15 Sep. 2022 • 15:30
As promised, Colin Kolles' entity has derived a production car from its LMH, which we may see in WEC next year.
© Vanwall Racing

The imbroglio around the Vanwall name unfortunately does not allow us to see for the LMH developed by ByKolles Racing in WEC for the moment. A car powered by the same Gibson V8 that equipped its big sister - the CLM P1/01 - and seen in tests in the hands of the Argentine Esteban Guerrieri and the French Christophe Bouchut and Tom Dillmann.


And as promised, it gave birth to a road-going hypercar, whose prototype was unveiled yesterday on social networks by the entity based in Germany. If little technical information has been disclosed, we at least know its name: Vanwall Vandervell 1000. A car equipped with an all-wheel drive and which - according to its designer -  would develop 1000 hp for a weight of around 1000 kg.


A car very faithful to the computer drawings that had already been unveiled last January and which will now begin its road tests. 

© Vanwall Racing


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