Take advantage of the last days of the Endurance-Info subscription for 0,83€/month!

5 Jun. 2022 • 10:40
Take advantage of the 24H of Le Mans to subscribe to Endurance-Info for 0,83 €/month, that is 10 €/year. The subscription price will increase by the end of the month, so don't hesitate to join the Endurance-Info community, which already has several thousand members. This way, you will have access to exclusive content all year round. You will also be supporting a growing media.
Photo : MPS Agency

To subscribe, you must first create an account:    - Choose a user name  - Enter your email address - Create a password - Confirm the password   - Click on 'accept to create an account' and 'accept the GTCU'.   You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email.    - Fill in the personal information: title, surname, first name, address.    - Save everything, go to 'Subscription offer' and 'I subscribe'.    Once you have paid, you will have access to Endurance-Info articles.   For any questions: webmaster@endurance-info.com  


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