
Endurance-Info launches an English version!

Endurance Info
28 Apr. 2022 • 15:00
Sixteen years after its launch, Endurance-Info has taken another step forward by offering its readers around the world an English version.
Photo : Dirk Bogaerts

Endurance-Info continues its development by launching an English version in addition to the French one.


The objective of this new version is multiple:


- To accompany the development of the discipline outside of France and the French-speaking countries


- To develop the audience of Endurance-Info on the international scene


- To offer a better website all over the world


- To attract new international partners


In order to take full advantage of this new offer, Endurance-Info is leaving its subscription at 10 euros/year until May 25.


To access the English version (also available on the homepage), please go to this address :



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